All Around Growth
Join Rob Kaiser as he builds a life and homestead with his family. Building a balanced life. 🌱
All Around Growth
Season 5, Episode 12 - μεταμορφόω
In today’s episode, we chronologically revisit the past few months, diving into requested topics and personal reflections.
Key Topics Covered:
- Listener Engagement:
- Share your topic suggestions for future episodes. Your input is highly valued.
- Personal Stories:
- The story of my friend John: a nickname he gave me, his passing, and the loss of another community friend.
- Reflections on death, rebirth, and change.
- Feast of the Transfiguration:
- The significance of the Transfiguration and its impact on my life.
- Insights from the Orthodox Study Bible, including:
- The Transfiguration as a theophany— a divine manifestation of Christ.
- The concept of deification, where Christians become more like God, as explained by St. Peter.
- Language Insights:
- Understanding the words "metamorphoo" and "metamorphosis" and their meanings in the context of the Feast of the Transfiguration.
- Biblical Readings:
- The epistle and gospel readings associated with the Feast of the Transfiguration.
- Personal Reflections:
- How the Transfiguration narrative resonates with my near-death experience 10 years ago.
- Perspectives on life’s feasts and fasts, learning what truly matters.
- Patreon Update:
- Status of the Patreon community and reasons for refunding subscribers.
- Life Updates:
- From septic system failures to assisting a farm animal sanctuary.
- Monastic life and learning from holy men.
- My experience of being in a coma and finding gratitude.
Join us for deep reflections on life, death, and the Feast of the Transfiguration, inspired by an audience request. Your continued support and engagement are appreciated. Have a blessed day and week ahead. Thank you and God bless.
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Email: allaroundgrowth@gmail.com
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Discussion Links:
μεταμορφόω / metamorphoo - https://www.sermonindex.net/modules/articles/index.php?view=article&aid=35968
Orthodox Study Bible - https://store.ancientfaith.com/the-orthodox-study-bible-ancient-faith-edition-hardcover-ancient-christianity-speaks-to-todays-world/
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church - https://www.saintgeorgeakron.org/
Whispering Acres Animal Farm Sanctuary - https://www.whisperingacressanctuary.com/
St. Gregory Palamas Monastery - https://www.goarch.org/-/st-gregory-palamas-monastery
Patristic Nectar Publications - https://patristicnectar.org/
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