All Around Growth
Join Rob Kaiser as he builds a life and homestead with his family. Building a balanced life. 🌱
All Around Growth
Ep. 520 - Exploring Life's Dimensions: Mugshot History, The LOTS Project Self-Reliance Festival Recap, and Authentic Connections in Real Life
Join us on this episode as we explore life's seven different areas, including Financial, Physical, Personal Development, Family, Spiritual, Social, and Career. In Episode 519, we delved into the Power of Prayer, focusing on the spiritual aspect of life.
Today's episode focuses on the social aspect of life and we explore the intriguing history of mugshots, sparked by an unexpected gift from a friend. Over a casual discussion over coffee, we embark on a quest to uncover the historical roots of the #mugshot to the best of our abilities.
Discover the captivating story behind the gifted mug and the power of authentic connections within our social circles. We'll touch on the Self-Reliance Festival from the past weekend, and what was learned from the recap by Brian from The LOTS Project and we discuss exciting social events in Northeast Ohio within the Freedom Cell Network. We will also highlight the importance of embracing our true selves when connecting with like-minded individuals in our lives.
Join us today for a journey through:
- The Fascinating History of the Mugshot
- A Tale of Unexpected Mug-Gifting
- The Power of Authentic Connections in Our Social Circles
- Social Updates from the Freedom Cell Network in Northeast Ohio
Big shout out to many of the members of the audience like Yozick and many others! ✊
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Discussion Links:
The LOTS Project: Self Reliance Festival Fall 2023 Recap
Self Reliance Festival - Event in Camden, Tennessee
Animal Sanctuary | Whispering Acres Farm Animal Sanctuary ...
Living Free in Tennessee Group - https://t.me/LFTNGroup
The LOTS Project Chat - https://t.me/LOTSChat
Toolman Tim’s Workshop Chat - https://t.me/toolmantimsworkshop
Farmish Kind of Life Channel - https://t.me/afarmishkindoflife
Medina County Freedom Cell Network - Meet & Greet
The Freedom Cell Network
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